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Constitutional Quote
"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate. The People of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
- Abraham Lincoln
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Publix Law Schools
The American Rule of Law >> Publix Law Schools
(+) Need law help now? Learn the basics for free on this page, get the crystal clear courses from Jurisdictionary.com, or go right to Request Legal Help. (+) Got law? Join the Teams and help others!
(+) The U.S. Constitution: Learn the United States Constitution by reading, listening, or watching. Follow along, and now read the United States Constitution for yourself, online, while Michael Badnarik, teacher, Constitutional Scholar, and 2004 Presidential Candidate, can also explain it to your eyes and ears via video, in very easy to understand terms. An excellent review for people of all skills and ages:
- Lesson 1: Michael Badnarik Constitution Class, Part1 (WMV format, time 51:54).
- Lesson 2: Michael Badnarik Constitution Class, Part2 (WMV format, time 58:03).
- Lesson 3: Michael Badnarik Constitution Class, Part3 (WMV format, time 57:55).
- Lesson 4: Michael Badnarik Constitution Class, Part4 (WMV format, time 58:03).
- Lesson 5: Michael Badnarik Constitution Class, Part5 (WMV format, time 55:43).
- Lesson 6: Michael Badnarik Constitution Class, Part6 (WMV format, time 58:43).
- Lesson 7: Michael Badnarik Constitution Class, Part7 (WMV format, time 59:35).
(+) The "Legal 101" Basics: Learn about all those fat law books called "Reporters", and how to use them in citations of caselaw authority, how to research for supporting caselaw, and starting points for all federal and state laws, rules, regs, and etc.:
- Jurisdictionary®. Has great courses on CD/DVD for sale. Excellent dictionary is FREE. Also, Dr. Frederick Graves travels around the country, hosting free legal seminars for groups of people. Contact him for the next locations and schedules, or check with your State Board Directors.
- All about Caselaw and those Reporters: This map from WestLaw shows the USA divided into the corresponding caselaw Reporter regions, i.e., each group of States that use the same Reporter. This PowerPoint presentation is an excellent and easy review of the National Reporter System, or, the collections of all those State and Federal caselaw volumes, and how it all works.
- How to Cite Legal Authorities: Introduction to Basic Legal Citation by Peter W. Martin.
- Legal research in the United States: This quick Wikipedia article will quickly get you up to speed on how to find what you need to know.
- Great free caselaw search # 1: LexisOne is the trimmed down, and free, version of Lexus-Nexus.
- Great free caselaw search # 2: FindLaw is a top "all things legal" site, with caselaw search.
- Links to Federal law and etc.: Constitutions & Codes. Federal Constitution, Codes, Regulations, Court Rules, and etc.
- Links to States' law and etc.: Listing by Jurisdiction. Links to all 50 + DC: law, codes, rules, and etc., "at the tops", so you can find everything you need.
- Browse by Topic/Area of Law: Listing by Topics/Areas. Links to all 50 + DC: law, codes, rules, and etc., so you can focus on a particular topic or area of law.
- Analysis of the U.S. Constitution: Analysis and Interpretation of the Constitution. From Justia's US Supreme Court Center, an analysis and interpretation of the Constitution of the United States of America. Each portion, Preamble, Articles, and Amendments, are provided along with relevant caselaw, annotation and discussion.
(+) More Federal and State legal links: Still limited, but growing sporadically, here's some links to other Federal and State specific pages for even more relevant information you might be looking for.
(+) Law Dictionaries: Learn what a common law term or phrase means, or that set of latin words:
- Jurisdictionary: Jurisdictionary®. Has great courses on CD/DVD. Excellent dictionary is FREE.
- Black's: Black's Law Dictionary, 9th Ed. List Price is $75.00, but several options are available.
- Bouvier: Bouvier Law Dictionary, alpha by first letter. Free.
- FindLaw: FindLaw Law Dictionary, search box for word/phrase. Free.
- Lectric: 'Lectric Law Library. A large and general legal resource. Free.
- Wex: Cornell's Wex. A huge, collaborative legal resource. Free.
- Black's Law, free: Black's Law Dictionary, 1st Ed. and 2nd Ed. (1910), but online and totally free.
(+) More legal info than you can shake a stick at: A service of the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School, their "Building Blocks page has categorized links to virtually everything you could ever think of, when it comes to litigating any case.
(+) Still need more?: How about using the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain records of what you need? Many things fall under federal fingers now, so use the federal FOIA laws, instead of state FOIA, Open Door, Open Access, etc., laws. Here is Wikipedia's link to federal FOIA info, a customized link for obtaining state records of Title IV-D records, and the SPLC's online FOIA letter generator. Go fish!
(+) Need legal help?: There are various Scholars able, willing and ready to assist in skillful handling of your individual case needs, usually in trade for some mutually acceptable agreement. Go directly to the Request Legal Help page for more information, and complete the online Matching Services form now.
more information
UCRCoA >> More Information
(+) FIDO Network: Each of the UCRCoA Focus Areas directly relates to the same ten categories included within the FIDO Network, which will use this graphic datamaps technology to help exponentially leverage our new massive voices into unstoppable, rolling thunders of united purpose across America.
(+) More details: Please see the About page, the Regions pages, the UCRCoA Organizational Chart, the Board page, the State and County pages, and the Mission and Focus Areas, for more information.