United Civil Rights Councils
nation, region, state, local:
Mission Statement
UCRCoA Org Chart
Board of Directors
7 UCRCoA Regions
50 State Chapters
3140 Local Groups
Family Action Alerts!
national headlines:
regional headlines:
The American Rule of Law
past, present, and future:
Founding Documents
Publix Law Schools
Legal links: Federal
Legal links: States
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The Main Event
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Citizen Info and Resources
videos, news, links, more:
Info: All Taxpayers
Info: NCP Parents
Info: CPS Parents
Info: PF Victims
Info: All Children
Kissing Cousins for Freedom
for God, Country & Family:
Ten Focus Areas
the heart of the matter:
Gov't Accountability
Family Courts
Self-Help Legal
Life Issues
Politics & Elections
Independent Media
Property Rights
Civil Rights Events
Tax Reform
Computer Support
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Constitutional Quote
"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate. The People of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
- Abraham Lincoln
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National Board of Directors
United Civil Rights Councils of America >> National Board of Directors
(+) Organization: The National Board consists of 25 Directors, one Dad and one Mom from each of the 7 Regions, i.e., from the public side of UCRCoA, plus 1 designated Top Legal Scholar from each of the 11 Circuit Teams, the more private side of UCRCoA. Open the Org Chart link on the left for a visual. National Board Directors are vested with very strong Powers, Benefits, Duties and Authority, seen here.
more information
UCRCoA >> More Information
(+) FIDO Network: Each of the UCRCoA Focus Areas directly relates to the same ten categories included within the FIDO Network, which will use this graphic datamaps technology to help exponentially leverage our new massive voices into unstoppable, rolling thunders of united purpose across America.
(+) More details: Please see the About page, the Regions pages, the UCRCoA Organizational Chart, the Board page, the State and County pages, and the Mission and Focus Areas, for more information.