United Civil Rights Councils nation, region, state, local:
Mission Statement UCRCoA Org Chart Board of Directors 7 UCRCoA Regions 50 State Chapters 3140 Local Groups

Family Action Alerts! national headlines:
regional headlines:

The American Rule of Law past, present, and future:
Founding Documents Publix Law Schools Legal links: Federal Legal links: States Request legal help

The Main Event join and build the activity:

Citizen Info and Resources videos, news, links, more:
Info: All Taxpayers Info: NCP Parents Info: CPS Parents Info: PF Victims Info: All Children

Kissing Cousins for Freedom for God, Country & Family:

Ten Focus Areas the heart of the matter:
Gov't Accountability Family Courts Self-Help Legal Life Issues Politics & Elections Independent Media Property Rights Civil Rights Events Tax Reform Computer Support

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Constitutional Quote "Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate. The People of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
- Abraham Lincoln

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Info for all Taxpayers Citizen Info and Resources >> Info for all Taxpayers

  (+)  Dear American Taxpayer:  You are being fraudulently robbed of much higher taxes than you need be paying the Government for... Moreover, these extra taxdollar burdens are directly causing vast and deep social injustices and nightmares, that can only end up costing the American Taxpayer (that's you, plus all other Citizens and businesses...) even more money, both now, and in the future, too... Further details on these particularly-costly devastations, wrought against the many, many millions of victimized American Families, are provided below. Please keep in mind that every bit of these terrible, destructive processes are being totally and completely paid for, all in the end... by YOU, the American Taxpayer:

Sarah Palin Keynote:
2010 Tea Party Convention

The John Birch Society:
The American Form of Gov't

Fox: Napolitano and Paul
Discussing the Fed Reserve

Early Ronald Reagan:
Liberty, Freedom and
Limited Government

Theft By Deception:
Deciphering The
Federal Income Tax

Chuck Baldwin Discusses:
Bailout Bureaucracy and
The Federal Reserve

Gold and Paper:
Money, Banking and
the Federal Reserve

Inside America:
1932 - A True History
of the United States

Rep. Dennis Kucinich:
Federal Reserve paying
banks to sit on money

Criminal Rothschilds:
American Wealth Robbed

Common Sense:
A Revolutionary Idea

L.A. EndTheFed Rally:
April 25th, 2009

An Animated Look:
The Federal Reserve

Historical Warnings:
The Federal Reserve

Philly EndTheFed Rally:
April 25th, 2009

  (+)  Get Involved:  Real change requires positive communications actions. Choose to become part of the communication cogwheels, at either Local, State, or even in the upper levels, on the public side of UCRCoA things, or if you have law skills on freedom, family and/or liberty issues, join the Legal Teams.

  (+)  Know The Law:  Visit the free Publix Law Schools for an easy "Legal 101" set of info resources.

  (+)  ParentStock 2011:  This next July 22nd-24th, it's official Parents Day weekend: Bring your voice and issues on Family, Freedom, Liberty, Financial Security, and for Faith, Food, Fun and more. Near you!

more information UCRCoA >> More Information

  (+)  FIDO Network:  Each of the UCRCoA Focus Areas directly relates to the same ten categories included within the promising new FIDO Network, which will use this graphic datamaps technology to help exponentially leverage our new massive voices into unstoppable, rolling thunders of united purpose across America.

  (+)  More details:  Please see the About page, the Regions pages, the UCRCoA Organizational Chart, the Board page, and the Mission and Focus Areas, for more information.

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