United Civil Rights Councils
nation, region, state, local:
Mission Statement
UCRCoA Org Chart
Board of Directors
7 UCRCoA Regions
50 State Chapters
3140 Local Groups
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The American Rule of Law
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Publix Law Schools
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Info: All Taxpayers
Info: NCP Parents
Info: CPS Parents
Info: PF Victims
Info: All Children
Kissing Cousins for Freedom
for God, Country & Family:
Ten Focus Areas
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Constitutional Quote
"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate. The People of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
- Abraham Lincoln
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welcome and introduction
UCRCoA >> Welcome and Introduction Connect directly to leaders & e-groups for your own County. Connect directly to leaders & e-groups for your own State. Connect directly to leaders & learn more about your Region. << or, click standard links down the left side of every page. |
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(+) Who are we? United States Citizens: We are Americans, committed into restoring our basic due process rights, to family, home, liberty and property, as rights already guaranteed to us by both our state and federal Constitutions. Like millions of previously unsuspecting Americans, we have been shocked, raped and terrorized by out-of-control government units, often court systems, along with their various officers and employees. We intend to take our rights back, once and for all, by sheer power and influence of our many united voices and legal actions. |
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(+) Why are we? Unity and Growth: The UCRCoA was envisioned to solve two basic problems. (1) It was forged to unite the beliefs of many similar-minded advocates into one cohesive network, functioning much more effectively, and on every geographic level, than any standalone group might ever be able to accomplish on its own. (2) It was designed to provide a natural "human buffering" under a national communications framework, robust and flexible enough to successfully handle literally millions of new online supporters across America, responding to sets of standardized messages as published by the National Board. The UCRCoA began with visionary activism from leaders amongst many of the related organizations working hard out there still today, as evidenced by all the different logos found upon UCRCoA state leadership profiles. |
![]() Hollywood Stars say it loud! |
(+) Where are we? Everywhere: Put simply, unchecked governmental tyranny has now afflicted most of America. Over 25 million so-called "noncustodial" parents as direct victims... 3000 helpless children removed from their loving families every week by the child "protective" services, 9/10ths of them unlawfully began in one way or another, and 1 of those removed children dying in foster care every hour... that's every hour... Countless victims of legal plundering within our senior citizens... The list of flagrant due process and civil rights violations is dwarfed only by the number of American families directly affected by their atrocities. We are everywhere... Oh, and, by the way, even when you count all of the governmental personnel involved in these numerous horrors, we - the victims and their families - outnumber, and can outshout, outpaper, and outvote, all those government people put together, by at least a factor of 1000 to 1, if not much more... |
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(+) What do we want? Justice: Plain and simple. This nation was founded by peoples of many different heritages, all of them fleeing from various forms of government oppression in their original countries, but all essentially consisting of extorted, legal plundering of assets and rights from those same citizens. Well, it's obvious: Here we are again. But this time, there's nowhere else to go... |
(+) When do we want it? Simple: Now - if not sooner... The old United States Supreme Court ruling still stands to this day: "Justice delayed is justice denied." And, when you consider the horrific devastation even now being wrought upon thousands and thousands of new families every week in this country, the awaited relief of true justice could not come at a moment too soon! |
(+) Feel the same? Join us: It's easy, too. Just go to either the State Chapters page, or to the Local Groups page, and click on the link to join the dedicated Yahoo! Group of like-minded people for your own state, county, and/or city of interest. There are also opportunities for you to get directly involved, and then add your talents and skills to help make a real difference, back to the Constitutional Republic of America! |
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more information
UCRCoA >> More Information
(+) FIDO Network: Each of the UCRCoA Focus Areas directly relates to the same ten categories included within the FIDO Network, which will use this graphic datamaps technology to help exponentially leverage our new massive voices into unstoppable, rolling thunders of united purpose across America.
(+) More details: Please see the About page, the Regions pages, the UCRCoA Organizational Chart, the Board page, the State and County pages, and the Mission and Focus Areas, for more information.