The following 2008 schedule of unified monthly family rights movement
events is already being promoted in agreement by various leaders and activists
of different organizations.. We hope that all family rights action events
would be planned for the same
dates this coming year.. Of course, while many orgs have
their own *task goals* for and on various dates
throughout the coming year, this is a schedule of *public events*
recommended for unity of support, attendance,
and participation by all known family rights and due
process activists..
The monthly events rotate between [all locals],
[all states], [all regions], and [national] locations.
Please DO promote, support, attend, and participate in
the following events, and please DO consider using the
same following dates, when planning your own organization's upcoming
events, in order to maximize the overall effect, both locally and
nationally, in the public eye. Add these events to your own Yahoo Group
calendars, so that all of your group members can be automatically
Thank you!
--> February regular local events, everywhere (any part of
weekend of Thu14th-Sun17th, "Valentine's Day", obviously, plus
"President's Day" is that following Monday, February is "National Parent
Leadership Month", various lesser-known "holidays" that weekend, spread
family rights msgs in front of local govt building, also remember
any remaining election events that weekend, coordinate on
Local Groups)
--> March state events, each State (any part of
weekend of Fri14th-Sun16th, statewide meeting & organizing
event, either a physical central location or well-planned conference call, theme
= "Get out the Green", that weekend is "St. Patrick's Day" weekend, Sunday is "Palm Sunday", March is
"International Expect Success Month", spread family rights msgs in front
of local govt building, also remember
any remaining election events that weekend, coordinate logistics
on the State Groups)
--> April regular
local events,
everywhere (all weekend of
Fri11th-Sun13th, Sunday is
"Thomas Jefferson Day", various lesser known "holidays" that weekend, coordinate
logistics on the State
Groups) (also plays on
govt using April as official "this month" and official "that month" related to
family courts stuff, such as "National Child Abuse
Prevention Month"... remember, shared [equal] parenting is the
best way to prevent most child abuse and most child neglect,
due to the natural alternating/balancing "monitoring" of the child(ren)...)
ALSO, APRIL 25th, a FRIDAY, is Parental
Alienation Awareness Day. "PAAD".
See this website for more details
--> May regular local events, everywhere (any part of
weekend of Fri09th-Sun11th, Sunday is "Mother's Day", spread
family rights msgs in front of local govt buildings, coordinate on Local
--> two weeks of hard-hitting electronic blitzing of the largest social
portals and via several other communications methods, to "hit" most or all of
online America, bypassing the mainstream media, with our "Public Service
Announcements"... this should drive tons of fresh supporters from all over
America, into their respective county groups, during this two-week period.
--> May
24th-25th [Sat/Sun of
"Memorial Day" weekend] regional events, each Region
weekend of Sat24th-Sun25th, coordinate logistics on the Regional Groups (UCRCoA
Leaders) and the State
Groups includes
discussion and info with and for the public in
Considering US Census Population Density maps,
the 7 Regional event locations are:
(Note: for a colored map of all 7 USA
Regions together, see here)
Region1 --
Oakland/San Francisco, California
Region3 --
Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
Region6 --
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
See the above 7 cities highlighted on a US
Census population density map here)
(The seven sets of Regional Operations Coordinators are
the best
contacts for
finalized event info, per
--> June regular local events, everywhere (any part of
weekend of Fri13th-Sun15th, Sat = "Family History Day", Sun =
"Father's Day" and "Family Awareness Day", spread family rights
msgs in front of local govt buildings, coordinate on Local
Groups). ALSO, state events, each State + Wash,
DC (Fri13th, "Fatherless Day", also happens to be "Friday the 13th", rallies at
each State Capitol bldg, plus in Wash, DC also, for 51 simultaneous
events, coordinate logistics on the State
--> [possible addition/avail
of "Independence Day" related events. July 4th marks end of public voting
period on the county groups "polls" to determine the "local winner" of the
"worst judge" in each county, plus related follow up actions,
--> [meanwhile, classaction lawsuit parts are being distributed out to
the legal groups, and down, beginning at July 4th]
--> July regular local events, everywhere (any part of
weekend of Fri25th-Sun27th, Sunday is official "Parent's Day",
spread family rights msgs in front of local govt buildings, coordinate
on Local Groups) [federal law, 36 U.S.C. § 135, *expressly directs* local govt's to support,
proclaim, etc. in our favor... use it!] CLASSACTIONS
--> August national events: (Thu7th, the Equal Parenting Bike Trek starts in Michigan, heading thru a
few States on way to all weekend of Fri15th-Sat16th, DC Festival &
etc., coordinate travel and rideshare, etc., logistics on the State
Groups first, but when saturation is reached, finish
coordination for more local people on the Local
--> [possible addition/avail of "Labor Day" weekend related
events, Labor Day = Monday, Sept. 1st]
September regular
local events, everywhere
(Sept 17th
"Constitution Day", Mon13th-Fri19th "Constitution Week", spread family rights msgs at
courthouses, famous patriotic and constitutional landmarks, coordinate on Local
state events, each
(exact date(s)
per State, spread family
rights msgs at your annual biggest
State-sponsored "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" event. Click here for a DOJ list of state DV
links. Coordinate logistics on the State
--> [possible addition/avail of final "Election 2008" related
--> November regular local events, everywhere (Nov 28th similar to 2007's "Black
Friday", spread
family rights msgs at Mall entrances, coordinate on Local
--> December regular local events, everywhere (any part of Dec 10th-15th, Mon
15th = "Bill of Rights Day", similar to same
event in 2007, spread family rights msgs at courthouses, famous
patriotic and constitutional landmarks, etc., coordinate on Local