The Ohio Civil Rights Council

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The Ohio Civil Rights Council Board of Directors:
(alphabetical by first name)
Brian Holladay
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Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
Celeste Chappell-Bates
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Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
Christopher Tock
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Hello, I am Christopher Tock State of Ohio Representative for DADS (Dads Against Discrimination Services). I have a desire to change Ohio and this nation. Having spent 6 years under the thumb of the courts I see a need for change. I can actually say that Franklin County taught me how to hate. But with hate comes changes. I hate abortion and I hate the Domestic Courts of Ohio. I encourage you to write your Senators in Ohio and put pressure on the county prosecutor. Most injustices are found in our courthouse, so I see that is where pressure should be applied. Without people who have the desire to ask for change, there will not change. Never give in when you know you are right but work at it in such a way to bring change, not harm. I will always be active and available for the person who needs direction and encouragement. But the best encouragement comes from the bible. Pick it up and read it when you find you need help. My biggest goal is to get trial by jury in the Domestic Courts of Ohio and this nation. I believe we should protect the children, teach them and they will teach the next generation.
Crystal Hammond
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I am the mother of 3 wonderful children. Keeping the family together is one of the most important jobs we are faced with today.
Dale Illig
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Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
David Hyatt
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Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
Drew Baden
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Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
Keith Owen
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I fight to make Equal Rights the norm in Family Courts across the Nation, for the children thrust into the center of these personal wars. I was an NCP for 4 yrs, a CP for 11yrs, and am now a full time House Husband, Father, and Leader in the Equal Rights movement. I am also now a part time employee again to help fund this movement. I know both sides of the fence in Child Custody, and neither is a happy place to be. The Family Corruption Courts are only in it for the money, and they target both sides. Go to and get involved, become the leader in your community, I can help. This country is run by 'WE the People...' unless we leave it to individuals to do it for us. Join this unwanted war to help put an end of it
Ms. L. Wilson
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My name is L Wilson I am a survivor of parental due process violations from 1985 with CPS and the Judicial System. I currently am an advocate and activist for preserving United States families rights to remain intact. I voice at the Ohio State House and am known by all Senators as well as my Congressmen/women for the work done. I also work within my local courts to help parents and others in times of crisis to bridge the gap where parental alienation and or due process violations may arise. I have been recognized for my awareness efforts with a proclamation along with have recommendations from those I work with. Lastly I after 24 years have been reunited with my children and developed a way to find others children lost within or out of our judicial system. I look forward to serving others who may need help.
Marcia Winfield
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Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
Scott Strohm
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A great father and husband. He was his first child’s excellent primary caretaker for the first 28+ months of his life. Then, his son’s mother, with the complicit assistance of her entitlement-minded, lawyer sister and entitlement minded family finally revealed their extortion plan. They kidnapped his son from him and held his son hostage for 4 months. Scott couldn’t begin to express his pain and suffering during this period. Numerous lawyers and other divorce industry participants engaged in the cruel, despicable behavior destroying his family for profit. Unlike all these aforementioned persons, Scott believes family is important. He has since remarried and is raising three children with his not-entitlement-minded wife. Scott was the principal signer on the failed but laudable effort to sue the state of Ohio in Federal court for its willful violations of the U.S. Constitution. Former Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro engaged in treasonous behavior to defeat that reasonable, peaceful attempt to reintroduce justice to Ohio. Scott will continue to work to introduce Justice to all those who profit from the degradation of parents’ relationships with their children