The Georgia Civil Rights Council

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The Georgia Civil Rights Council Board of Directors:
(alphabetical by first name)
CaSandra Minichiello
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Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
Clarice Riley
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I am with WRFV Radio and have been an Activist for 30 years. I learned at a young age of 17, I was meant to work for the people. I did my first march for Civil Rights in 1974 my last year of High School and have been at it ever since. Strong supporter for Men Rights and Justice for all. For the past 4 years I have been fighting for my granddaugthers and have come to the decision I am my best Attorney. Once I learn how corrupt CPS AGENTS are and their followers I decided to send out emails throughout this Country and later a video and they have been fighting me ever since. These people will do anything to cover up their lies and mistakes. And I will do anything to bring them down... Not even death can stop me... We must unite together and get our Government out of lives.
Dean Gottschalk
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Well liked and appreciated within the local community, serving as a long-term volunteer to both one of Georgia's most cherished 501(c)(3) non-profit community enrichment organizations, the Atlanta Balalaika Orchestra, and is an active volunteer for Cobb County's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program, a local arm of the US President's Citizens Corps. I agree with a quote from Dr. Phil McGraw who stated that 'the greatest gift you can give to your children is to maintain your marriage relationship'. Hence, I subscribe to the philosophy that your marriage relationship comes first and foremost ahead of ALL others, bar-none. I am an active member of the National Parents Rights Association.
Julie Batson
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Hi. I am the President of a grassroots lobbying organization that successfully lobbied the GA legislature to change GA's child support laws in 2007. I worked with State Representative Earl Ehrhart and State Senator Seth Harp in trying to develop fair and equitable guidelines similar to what many other states use. I testified before the House Judiciary Committee during the legislative sessions regarding the efforts of my organization and the failure of GA's current laws to equally protect the custodial and non-custodial parent. In addition, I developed and continue to maintain many media contacts throughout the metro Atlanta area.
Michael J. Stephens
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Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
Paige Roberts
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Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
Paige Roberts
Click here to email me

Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
Starr Shepperd
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I am a mother to five children. A family advocate, and I love studying law and fighting the courts. My favorite pasttime is reading and helping others. I had to fight for my children and have went from there into helping others fight for theirs. Now I fight for all rights. I do not like seeing the judges and the corrupt system take over by violating our rights. I wont back down.
Steve Cloer
Click here to email me

Contact myself or any Director here, for info about parental rights violated by reckless Gov't intrusions of The American Family, whether 'family court', child protection services, paternity actions, or similar, often defrauding the basic Due Process and guaranteed Constitutional Rights of most every fit and reasonable parent. Government often uses children as 'commodities', to bleed finances from that family into the system, by corrupt uses of our taxdollars.
How about YOU?
Fill out the form

Please use this form as your request to be a State Director. Attach your head and shoulders photo, along with your own little short bio at approx 75 words or less (say about whatever you want), and either tell us to use a logo and link already used by any other state leader, or add your own favorite website link, and its logo. We will resize to about 75x75 pixels, or roughly that size if not square. There are biz cards, UCRCoA email addys, and more available.
How about YOU?
Fill out the form

Please use this form as your request to be a State Director. Attach your head and shoulders photo, along with your own little short bio at approx 75 words or less (say about whatever you want), and either tell us to use a logo and link already used by any other state leader, or add your own favorite website link, and its logo. We will resize to about 75x75 pixels, or roughly that size if not square. There are biz cards, UCRCoA email addys, and more available.