When I get an email like this from someone who fails to even do so much to identify themselves as to include their name or organization they represent, my suspicion is immediately raised.

I don’t know Torm very well, but I have talked to him, I have read his documents and I have observed his efforts. Torm may not do everything perfect in his endeavors to address the corruption in our system of so called family law. There are few, if any, who have made as serious of an attempt as Torm has to organize a united opposition and become as self educated on the matters that a person needs to know to fight the oppression of family law. Anyone who is in the business of standing up for their rights, as I believe Torm sincerely is,  are bound to make the mistakes of a novice. I’m sure Torm has had his share of mistakes because he has been active in his pursuit of standing up for his rights. Those who sit on the sidelines and do little or nothing make no mistakes.

As far as being under investigation by the Indiana Attorney General’s Office, or any other office, or having warrants out against him, I have no doubt of any of this being true. Anyone who has battle scars from being effective has these agencies after them. It is those who pose a threat to the continued corruption of the system of family law that have these agencies after them. Being labeled a child molester or any other negative label that can be pinned on someone is a tactic the legal system imposes on their enemies. I know this from experience.  

Whoever this email came from provides a very good example of a bad example. It represents one of the main reasons why family law continues to flourish at the expense of American families and America itself. It is simply this; Some who fail to make accomplished efforts in addressing the corruption of family law, attack those who do make accomplished efforts. The reasons for this are varied, but in my experience it usually is ego based or from someone, possibly a “mole”, intentionally trying to damage an effort headed for success.  Unity is lacking in the war against this government corruption because of egos.

An email like this is a cowardly action regardless of its source or purpose.