Late yesterday afternoon (April 9th) at their otherwise-peaceful Cromwell, Indiana, home:
Gary Helman, an Indiana noncustodial parent and Spirit-filled Christian man, was SHOT DOWN in a blaze of gunfire by trigger-happy law enforcement personnel, and suffered multiple gunshot wounds, including to both the hip area and leg.
Gary is now in the hospital ICU, slowly recuperating over at least the next several days, but also suffered a collapsed lung and other complications, due to the completely bizarre, totally-unwarranted hail of gunfire unleashed at him, in what seems to be a flagrant, outrageous, and dangerous conspiracy to conceal the local county's numerous documented crimes, which also later included the willing cover-up involvements of higher Indiana state judges, a federal judge, and assorted officials.
Gary will now receive one or more major surgeries to help alleviate the horrific devastation thrust upon his body, and word seems to be that, on top of all the government has now done to him and his family, they will also arrest him on (proven as bogus) warrants after he is done recuperating at the hospital.  Gary's father was murdered under some very suspicious circumstances, and the same Whitley County prosecutor, Matthew J. Rentschler, who has also apparently had an affair with Gary's ex-wife, and also been incredibly hostile against Gary under several false pretenses, also let the murderer of his father walk without *any* jail time, even after convicting said murderer.. an unheard of situation in law, of course..
Over One Hundred Law Enforcement Officers At The Scene
As directly reported to me around lunchtime today (April 10th) by Gary's elderly mother, she also suffered some physical injuries and bruises at the hands of some of the *over one hundred* law enforcement officers who surrounded their home yesterday, in violent pushes and shoves committed even against her own frail person and body.  The bizarre combination of numerous officers at the scene included what appears to be a WACO-ishly large gathering of the entire northern Indiana State Police force, an undetermined number of U.S. Federal Marshals, and apparently one or more ATF agents, as well.
I was actually on the phone with both Gary and his mother, more than once yesterday, during the initial hour or so of this surprise onslaught, and during those same times, the original reports to me were that the Indiana State Police were actually interested, and then even reportedly angry, at the apparent corruption by Whitley County also falsely involving their otherwise-unnecessary presence.  One of the ATF agents had previously filed his own report and request, directly into the same "Invasion of Privacy" case filed fraudulently by Prosecutor Rentschler, demanding to know *why* Gary was never given any notice or hearing on his ex-wife's protective order case, and why, even after learning about said case months later, that Gary has still never received any hearing in that matter, even though several formal (legal) demands have been made for such a hearing as is absolutely required by Indiana state law.
After the third or so phone call, spanning that same hour or so, all indications spoken unto me by Gary were that things were settled down, that the officers were allowing him to go in and out of his house, presenting more and more legal paperwork that had been filed in the courts recently, and that the swarms of officers were going to go ahead and leave after a while.  In fact, the last of these multiple trips that Gary walked back and forth into and out of the house, was merely at his offering to the "main" officers about asking them if they wanted any coffee or tea, etc., and that they declined those, but thanked him instead to bring some glasses of water out to them.  (Remember, they had ALL been "discussing" these various things for quite some time, by then, all outside of the house).  It was on this last return to outside again, with Gary holding some glasses of water and so forth, and apparently some more printed paperwork tucked between his arms and chest, or something similar to that (i.e., both of Gary's hands were obviously full and busy..), that the officers opened fire.
Gary Had Kept His Gun Plainly Holstered At All Times
Gary *did* have a gun holstered in his leg clip, plainly viewable, but had also always left it in his leg clip during the entire time of "discussions", which had apparently initially bothered the officers (ok, naturally enough..), but it was also obvious that Gary had never reached for it, either, but instead merely continued to "hold his ground" in *speaking* to the officers plainly, and in continuing to present them all with yet more and more paperwork, going in and out of their home at least a few times to get more filed pleadings and such to show them.  The blazing hail of gunfire opened up by the as-yet-undetermined number of shooting officers apparently did NOT have any sufficient reason with which to commence, in the first place.  At the very least, Gary's hands were BOTH plainly busy and full at that same moment, merely carrying out the glasses of water which had been just, moments before, fully accepted in gratitude by some or all of those same trigger-happy shooters.
Gary Helman has been grieviously robbed of his three daughters, all who desperately miss their loving father still.  His nasty, lying, double-dealing ex-wife has even had an ongoing affair with the same local Whitley County prosecutor, Matthew J. Rentschler, who, of course, has also always refused to withdraw from the local corrupt family and fraudulent criminal cases against Gary, even under such very clear and obvious conflict of interest.  Apparently, and nearly similar to the VERY questionable circumstances of his father's untimely death, the intent was to "bait" Gary into drawing his gun, in order to shoot him dead, once and for all, since enough of Gary's legal pleadings are so wide-open embarassing to the Indiana legal community, and detail and document the absolutely wild and flagrant corruption that happens in so many family court cases.  A small (very small..) sampling has been provided online for the reader's review, as desired, here:
Please Take Time To Make Phone Calls And Send Wishes
You must understand -- Gary's elderly mother has seen her husband murdered under very questionable circumstances, has seen that crooked Prosecutor Rentschler let her husband's convicted murderer walk away with absolutely no jail time, whatsoever (raising serious questions as to who or what was behind the whole thing...), has seen that same Prosecutor recently have an affair with Gary's no-good, lying ex-wife, has seen and known the flagrant corruption in Whitley County threaten and intimidate her family's lives before, and rob her of her three granddaughters, too.  Now, she has witnessed, first-hand, the massive swarms of (taxdollar-funded) dozens and dozens of law enforcement officers surrounding her once-happy home, and the bizarre and completely-unwarranted gunning down of her son, during the moment that Gary was merely returning outside with some glasses of water to drink for his would-be murderers.  After they got done doing all of that inhuman monstrosity, the officers also searched and ransacked their home, and confiscated all computers and related hardware equipment.
Gary is currently in the ICU of Kosciusko Community Hospital (, where he will be there at least several more days, and it would be a nice blessing for many of you out there to express your wishes and thoughts for him, maybe even including sending some Easter cards or what-not.  In addition, Gary's mother could sure use some lifting up, as well, for she has personally witnessed the worst of the worst of government corruption against her family - incredible stuff that most of America could never begin to believe without experiencing it first-hand, themselves.  Those of you in the family rights movement know a little better..  Gary's mother also asked how soon Gary would be moved to the next nearby hospital for better services and treatment, but she was told, for *some* reason, that a judge would have to order it...
Did I forget to mention that Gary's family used to publish a local newspaper??  Now you know: "the rest of the story"..
Gary's mother can be reached at 260-856-2057, during normal/reasonable daytime/evening hours ONLY, please.
Whitley County Prosecutor
Matthew J. Rentschler, # 18852-92
101 W. Van Buren St., Room 13
Columbia City, IN 46275

Cards, flowers, donations, or whatever, may be also sent to Mrs. Helman (Gary's mother) at:
9174 E. Doswell Blvd., Cromwell, IN 46732
Thank you very much!!

Sincerest Regards,
Mr. Torm L. Howse
Co-Founder, National Board Director, Instructor,
United Civil Rights Councils of America
Co-Founder, National Board Director, Trustee,
Parental Alienation Awareness Organization - US
Founder, Owner, President,
The FIDO Network
General Contact:
P.O. Box 68665
Indianapolis, Indiana  46268
(317) 286-2538 office  (888) 738-4643 fax
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